We find a good relationship with our customers important. However, it may happen that you are not satisfied with is. 

Let us know and we can do something about it.

You can make your complaint known to us by sending a letter to our office.

You can also use the complaint form below.

Mijn gegevens
Hier kunt u eventueel aangeven waarover het gaat.
Door dit formulier te versturen geeft u ons toestemming voor het gebruik van de ingevulde gegevens voor het doel waarvoor deze in dit formulier worden gevraagd. U heeft natuurlijk het recht uw toestemming weer in te trekken.
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Managing board

If we are unable to come to a solution together, you can still submit your complaint to our management for reconsideration.

Kifid, Disputes Committee, Appeals Committee
If this still has not yielded the desired result, you can turn to the Financial Services Complaints Institute if your complaint concerns a financial product or a financial service. You can contact Kifid for complaints and disputes about insurance, mortgages, loans, financing and investments.

The Financial Services Complaints Institute can be reached via:
PO Box 93257
2509 AG The Hague
T: (070) 333 89 99
I: www.kifid.nl

If you do not agree with the advice of the Kifid, you can submit your complaint to the Disputes Committee of the Kifid within three months.

Health insurance ombudsman, SKGZ and the judge
If your complaint relates to your health insurance, you can submit your complaint to the independent Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgverzekeringen (SKGZ) in Zeist.

In principle, all complaints there are first handled by the Health Insurance Ombudsman. The latter tries to find a solution to the problem through a mediation process. If that process has not been successful, you can then submit your complaint to the SKGZ. The SKGZ will issue a binding advice based on the available information.

Binding means that both you and we must adhere to this advice. An entrance fee is charged for handling the case. You can find the amount of this at www.skgz.nl.

The Ombudsman and the SKGZ can both be reached via:
PO Box 291
3700 AG Zeist
T: (030) 698 83 60
I: www.skgz.nl

Finally, after the SKGZ has handled your complaint, it is possible to submit it to the Civil Court. The latter does not reassess the case, but performs a limited test of the content and the formulation of the binding advice.